But came to Xu Xian's house to see Xu Jiao. "The young girl is here. Please come in." Xu Jiao…

"But that one you have almost no strength. Do you think he will have the means to save his life?…

It's very difficult to fight three against one. He's going to break the black defense potential and weaken the black…

"I wonder if the Lord called me back this time for something?" Guo Yi finally got things down to business.…

I was hugged by the owner? Will you be chopped directly by the saint when you go back? What should…

Su Yonglin's opinion revival meeting headquarters had a discussion and was finally passed by the meeting. The Fuxing Association was…

Thinking that the breath is as deep as the sea, the Taoist priest Dinghai can't help but feel awe. That's…

Speak with a wave of his hand "Boom!" A huge mulberry tree soars into the sky Jiang Tai's eyes are…

Goethe took a deep breath and replied "Great" "It would be great if nothing happened." Teacher Judy almost cried with…

"I don't think you have time to collect Yaodan, and you are worried that Yaodan will be eaten by its…