In the treatment of Qin Mu Ye blue, what can he do to heal? Chapter 32 Black Iron Chest (Hero)…

I was hugged by the owner? Will you be chopped directly by the saint when you go back? What should…

"I don't think you have time to collect Yaodan, and you are worried that Yaodan will be eaten by its…

Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Qionghua and Qingyun ... Wait, all factions Even with its head, the clansmen, the aborigines have appeared…

"Ok, come quickly. I'll wait for you." Ma Xue will be more embarrassed to stay here. But she also wants…

There is nothing superfluous in the long passage, and it is another security door. This time, Xu's spirit did not…

"Let's talk about it, and it will all come true?" A Zhuang Bai Shi Bai Bailing wishes come true, not…

Those Gu Qingshan have strong and weak strengths, but no one has reached the final sequence. "See? It's not that…

That's- "Third brother!" The girl cried. Gu Qingshan was shocked and cried, "Is Xiu Xiu you?" The girl came in…

I paid a gift to Lingqing and took him away by receiving the Buddha's light. In the eyes of Ling…